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"'Boomerang' Historical Scenario" Topic

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1,202 hits since 28 Feb 2007
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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colonialnic28 Feb 2007 9:06 p.m. PST

Whilst reading through the correspondence files of the South Australian Colonial Secreatry of 1847 one day (doesn't everyone!), I came accross one particular "affray" which seemed perfect for turning into a scenario for our 'Boomerang' rules.

Setting: In the vicinity of Cape Northumberland, South Australia, August 1847.

A mounted colonial force of a police Corporal, one trooper, and three civilians were looking for some Aborigines who allegedly stole 300 sheep from one of the South Australian Company's stations. After following tracks, they came acorss an Aboriginal encampment situated between the sea and a large lagoon, and backed by hummocks covered in dense scrud. As the colonials approached the encampment, they saw "a considerable body of natives" running into the scrub.

The colonial force's task was to arrest an unspecified number of Aborigines (each time an arrest is made a die is rolled to see if it is enough). The Aboriginal task was to avoid arrests and inflict as much damage as possible upon the colonials to drive them away.

Unlike the real event which saw the colonials plunge into the midst of the dense scrub and hillocks which resulted in spears being "thrown in considerable numbers, and from situations in the scrub which rendered it impossible to see the positions of the throwers", in this game the colonial player chose to remain on the outside of the hillocks, along the beach and the camp area.

From here the colonial player tried to get into postions from which he could fire upon the Aborigines in the scrub whilst looking for a good opportunity to launch a rush to make arrests.

In the exchange of Aboriginal missiles and lead ball and buckshot, a couple of Aborigines were killed and the mobs were broken up a little, however, one of the civilian's horses was also killed, as well as numerous wounds being inflicted on the colonial party.

Suddenly, one of the civilians saw a small enough mob of Aborigines and rushed them all by himself. the target mob threw all they had at him but failed to stop the rush. The warriors who were the target of the ruch decided discretionw as the better part of valour and took to thie heels rather than stand and offer hand to hand combat, however they were caught up with and one arrested.

Unfortunately one prisoner was not sufficient however and the struggle continued. The game of maneuvre and missile exchange between the colonials outide the scrub and the warriors inside continued. One of the trooper's horses was then killed also. At this point, and having suffered numerous other wounds amongst the colonial party, the latter were forced to concede defeat.

Here are some pictures:


picture (the colonials approach the Aboriginal camp and see the latter fleeing into the scrubby hillocks)

picture (view from the Aborigine's mob in the hillocks down towards the colonials galloping up and down the beach)

picture (the now hard pressed colonials firing upon the warriors. Note one man has already been unorsed)

Two Ducks Pond28 Feb 2007 11:16 p.m. PST

Excellent report once again.

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