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"IR 10 Anton Mittrowsky for Aspen" Topic

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CHRIS DODSON17 Apr 2024 10:38 a.m. PST

Infantry Regiment No. 10

(Anton Mittrowsky)

I have been having all sorts of fun looking though the various orders of battle to see which units were present at the action.

The main problem is that units present at Aspern may not have been in action. A good example being the 1/2 French Carabineers. Most sources, Bowden, Nafziger, Gill, ‘Obscure Battles' have them present at Aspern.

However, Mr Gill states that they along with most of the 2/9 Cuirassiers were prevented from crossing the Danube by the failing bridge.

I have researched this extensively and am grateful, once again to ‘The Prince of Essling' who pored through many sources which unfortunately were inconclusive.

Mr Gill has Infantry Regiment No.10 in Brigade Wintzingerode along with the 2nd Jäger battalion, where as Bowden states they were brigaded with IR.42.

Confusing or what?

I think Mr Gill is very good at his subject matter and am therefore using his returns as my primary source.

IR 10 was comprised of two battalions as the third was in Bohemia at the time.

So, here they are with Oberst Von Lowenwarth proudly leading his men, a mixture of Mr Kane's superb sculpts, Hat marching fellows and some conversions.




Lots to do.


CHRIS DODSON17 Apr 2024 10:41 a.m. PST

Apologies for my stubby fingers.


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP17 Apr 2024 12:25 p.m. PST

Nice. Thanks for posting.

Lets party with Cossacks Supporting Member of TMP17 Apr 2024 3:24 p.m. PST

Very nicely done Mr D.

As you might say you have brought these lesser Hat sculpts to life!

Where does one find Mr Kane's superb sculpts?

Prince of Essling17 Apr 2024 3:54 p.m. PST

Superb work Chris,

I agree in general go with John H. Gill if there are any contradictions. His research has so far proved to be excellent, but do keep an open mind just in case he didn't quite get it correct.

Nafziger's OoB has:
2nd Column:
lst Corps: General of Cavalry Bellegarde
Division: Fieldmarshal Lieutenant Fresnel
Brigade: Generalmajor Wintzingerode
Anton Mittrowsky Infantry Regiment (3)
2nd Jager Battalion (l)
Brigade: Generalmajor Vecsey
Vincent Chevauxleger Regiment (8)
Klenau Chevauxleger Regiment (8)
Division: Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Vogelsang
Brigade: Generalmajor Hennenberg
Reuss-Plauen Infantry Regiment (3)
Kollowrath Infantry Regiment (3)
Division: Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Ulm
Brigade: Generalmajor Wacquant
Erzherzog Rainer Infantry Regiment (3)
Vogelsang Infantry Regiment (3)
Division: Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Nostitz
Brigade: Oberst Schaeffer
Erbach Infantry Regiment (2)
Argenteau Infantry Regiment (3)
Sources given as:
M. Rauschensteiner, Die Schlacht bei Aspern am 2l. und 22. May l809
Osterrichischen Militarischen Zeitschrift, Der Feldzug des Jahres l809 in Suddeutschland

Buat's "Étude critique d'histoire militaire 1809 Tome 1" shows the Anton Mittrowsky regiment with 2 battalions present.
August Menge's "Die Schlacht von Aspern am 21. und 22. Mai 1809" shows 2 battalions present.
Maximilien Ritter von Hoen's "Krieg 1809 Band 4 Aspern" shows 2 battalions present with a total strength of 2,185 men. This was the Austrian's Official History.


Erzherzog Johann17 Apr 2024 6:13 p.m. PST

Here's Acerbi:

- before Aspern: it began the campaign with the I Corps GdK count Heinrich Bellegarde first with BrigadeWacquant, div. Ulm then in the reserve corps or Brigade GM count Johann Nostitz. In March the third Battalion was sent at Lobositz with the Am Ende special corps. So the regiment remained with 1st and 2nd Battalion only. Till Aspern they did not fight.
In May it was with the division FML Ludwig Vogelsang, Brigade GM baron Ferdinand Wintzingerode-Ohmfeld (later Division Fresnel) I Corps .

- at Aspern: the I Corps Bellegarde formed the 2nd column. The regiment was in the Brigade Wintzingerode (under GM count Ferdinand von Wartensleben), division FML count Johann Fresnel von Hennequin in the second line. They attacked Aspern in the afternoon. Losses: 55 dead, 611 wounded with the commander De Vaux, 70 taken prisoners. Being a regiment of only two battalions they lost around 50% of their strength. Colonel Domitian De Vaux was promoted and the regiment commander became Josef Weigl von Löwenwarth. The regiment camper at Deutsch-Wagram now deployed with the brigade baron Greth (from June 1 BrigadeClary), Division Fresnel, I Corps. There arrived the 1st Hradischer Landwehr Battalion, which was attached to the regiment. On July 2 the regiment was deployed with the brigade Henneberg.

So two battalions at Aspern according to him.


CHRIS DODSON17 Apr 2024 11:27 p.m. PST

Thank you to everyone for their kind comments.

Mr K can be found at


Best wishes,


DeRuyter18 Apr 2024 9:48 a.m. PST

Is Mr. K the sculptor or the printer who sells printed versions of stls on Etsy?

CHRIS DODSON18 Apr 2024 10:15 a.m. PST

He is the printer.

The service is excellent.


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