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"V4 Ambush" Topic

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PraiseTheSun06 Apr 2024 6:43 p.m. PST


Question that normally doesn't come up do to terrain density, but we had a game where a 88 unit ambushed 4" away from a tank unit in "the open" but counted as concealed due to the mission stating all units start in foxholes. The question is: Does foxholes allow a unit to ambush from within 16" in the open as they are "concealed".

The latest V4 rulebook I have states a unit must ambush from 16" away, unless concealed by terrain, then they can go 4" away. A follow up question is if foxhole are terrain.

TMPWargamerabbit06 Apr 2024 9:19 p.m. PST

Can the 88mm deploy in ambush that close? Gun size may prevent. In V3 the basic 88mm is rated heavy (or immobile?) gun team so cannot deploy closer than 16" if the deployment spot/point has LOS to the target. Basically in V3 if the gun can see the target within 16", it cannot deploy ambush from that spot till at least 16" away from enemy teams. It could deploy closer only if the enemy teams cannot spot…and therefore the 88mm couldn't fire from ambush placement till it moves to position to have LOS upon the enemy teams.

Look in your V4 rules for similar terms of deployment.

Col Piron07 Apr 2024 9:17 a.m. PST

"Railway Gun Units must be placed from Ambush at least
4"/10cm from all enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams along
this railway line within their deployment area.

Railways Guns start of the game in Foxhole"

From this pdf :
PDF link

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