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"Map of the day surrender of Lee????" Topic

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gamer118 Mar 2024 8:44 a.m. PST

I need to verify which major cities the CSA still held the day Lee surrendered and basically ended the war. I have googled alot and haven't found any that are completely helpful. Does anyone know of a link to a good one to check???
I could research the cities in question but that will obviously take more time than if I just had a good map to look at:) Thanks.

donlowry18 Mar 2024 9:13 a.m. PST

Might depend on what you call a major city. In terms of population, New Orleans was about the only major city in the Confederacy (about 200,000 people, IIRC).

Bill N18 Mar 2024 9:51 a.m. PST

U.S. forces move into a city, destroy the infrastructure and then move on. Does the U.S. hold the city? Does the C.S.A.?

Shortly after Sherman began his March to the Sea Atlanteans began returning to the remnants of the city and pro-Confederate authority was reinstated. Repairs on the Atlanta & West Point were completed before the end of 1864 and repairs on the Macon % Western resumed service into Atlanta in the winter of 1864-65. Yet this was of little benefit to the Confederate war effort.

gamer118 Mar 2024 10:59 a.m. PST

I see your point but this is in relation to my game so……marching in, burning it to the ground and leaving a single military unit there would count as the Union taking control, sorry if I was unclear. Thats why I was looking for a map so I could confirm which cities I have on my game map that the CSA still controlled.
I did go ahead and research the ones I was not for sure about so answered my question, it was only four, FYI, as a side note. Thanks, happy gaming all!!!

DisasterWargamer Supporting Member of TMP18 Mar 2024 1:24 p.m. PST

This map appears to show the territory in late 1865 after Lees surrender


Raleigh was captured the week after Lee surrendered – but this article outlines confederate strengths in general after April 9th.


Bill N18 Mar 2024 4:56 p.m. PST

marching in, burning it to the ground and leaving a single military unit there would count as the Union taking control

Won't argue with your criteria, but quite often the U.S. was not even bothering to leave a single military unit behind. In northern Virginia the U.S. probably effectively controlled less territory in the first three months of 1865 than in the last two of 1864.

gamer119 Mar 2024 6:02 a.m. PST

Thanks for the map, hadn't seen this one, very helpful!! Also Bill yes I agree but after all we are talking about a game vs real life so there is always some grey area there:) As I'm sure you know sometimes you make some compromises with a game vs historical for practical reasons.

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