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"Elephants and Gunpowder Southeast Asian Warfare 1380-1700" Topic

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Lilian25 Feb 2024 8:34 a.m. PST

so unexpected unusual exotic!…well helionesque…

a great gap covered

This book presents for the first time ever a chronological, detailed and richly illustrated account of the development of warfare in mainland Southeast Asia during the Early Modern Period. It begins by describing the region's medieval military inheritance that was dominated by the use of war elephants. Firearms began to appear during the late fourteenth century and would be used alongside elephants and cavalry in a long series of wars between Burma (Myanmar) and Siam (Thailand). Exciting sieges and dramatic naval combat will also be discussed along with much fascinating material about beliefs in omens and divination and the impact of foreign mercenaries. While cannons fire around them elephants act as mounts for noble hand-to-hand combat, as living battering rams to use against city gates and, in the form of the precious and much coveted white elephant, as both an excuse and a pretext for war itself. The text is complemented by a large number of carefully selected photographs, maps and specially commissioned artwork that present the arms and armaments of the Southeast Asian warrior and his elephants in a way never seen before.

the text seems to concern only Burmese–Siamese wars (19 wars in 3 centuries of which 9 for the period mentionned),
however I hope that the rest of the Indochinese peninsula will be also included Cambodia Đại Việt Champa Vietnamese already divided in North and South

map 1686

TimePortal25 Feb 2024 9:19 a.m. PST

Great subject Elephants and in my opinion and a lot of books on it. I got most of my research books from when I was contributing to the FOG system , from the American Inter-library loan program. A later Thai prince was very good at writing about the wars. One company that published in English was White Orchid publishing.
In regards to other countries of the region research was harder but the info was there. The data covers mainly pre-contact with Europeans time frame. However though the Chinese guarded their gunpowder secrets some trickled out.

Prince Alberts Revenge25 Feb 2024 9:58 a.m. PST

Oh I can't wait to pick this one up.

BillyNM25 Feb 2024 11:17 p.m. PST

What a shame such a interesting looking book will be a paperback, and one whose covers curl up horribly if all my other Helion books are anything to go by.

Porthos26 Feb 2024 3:09 a.m. PST

BillyNM: a solution is to buy more books. My paperbacks are all pressed between two other books and therefore never curl ;-)))

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