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"Belgian Chasseur Uniform 1914" Topic

6 Posts

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Prince Alberts Revenge10 May 2024 4:17 p.m. PST

Can anyone tell me what the Belgian Chasseur Uniform color was in 1914? From what I've read, it was essentially the same as the line but perhaps a green tunic and shako pom pom. Did they wear the same blue/black greatcoat as the line?

I have some extra line figures and I was hoping to paint up some chasseurs. Thanks.

monk2002uk11 May 2024 6:48 a.m. PST

Colourised photo of chasseur à pied without greatcoat:


and with greatcoat:


The second photo illustrates the shako cover worn when in action.


Prince Alberts Revenge11 May 2024 8:10 a.m. PST

drat, those photos aren't loading for me…

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP11 May 2024 9:19 a.m. PST

Not working on my end either.

monk2002uk11 May 2024 11:16 a.m. PST

The pictures are on this website:




Prince Alberts Revenge11 May 2024 5:50 p.m. PST

I appreciate the links Monk2002uk.

Seems like they wore more of the black/green (really black) greatcoat of the carabineers.

I found this description:
The uniforms of the Chasseurs-à-pied resembled
"those of the line infantry but were of different branch colors and included a different field cap. The dress tunic, field jacket, and great coat were to be made from a dark green wool. The tunic featured light green wings and could also feature yellow piping along the facings. In addition to buttons showing the regimental number, the jackets and greatcoats of the light infantry units could be stamped with the infantry horn. This same insignia could also be seen on the collars and the field cap. The trousers were to be made from a "Belgian gray" wool and have yellow piping, though, by 1914, they were seen in different shades of grey and piped in green, yellow, or left unpiped. Instead of the Camembert cap worn by the line infantry in the field, the Chasseurs wore a pointed or cone-shaped Shapki (Chapki or Czapka) cap. It was made from a dark green wool and had a yellow band and yellow piping. The shako had light green trimmings and a yellow pompom and/or black plume. Like every other branch of the infantry, Chasseurs were issued the Mauser M1889 Rifle and M1896 accoutrements, the M1891 gaiters and the M1901 boots." from: link

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