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"Germans wearing shorts in France, 1944" Topic

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d88mm194008 May 2024 10:28 a.m. PST

Anyone remember seeing pics of Germans wearing shorts in France in 1944 (D-Day on)? Or without shirts or bare-chested? I'm asking because I have a bunch of Victrix North Africa crewmen that I want to put to work.
Some of Victrix's stuff come with two (or alternate) crews. The 88 Flak set has a lot of DAK crewmen. Having already crewed the 88's with European uniforms, these leftover DAK guys could crew my Mardars and converted Hummels.

Martin Rapier08 May 2024 11:59 p.m. PST

Artillery crews are often bare chested. Hard work shifting tons of ammo in the sun. I can't say I've ever seen photos of troops in Normandy in shorts, although some units did have tropical (cotton) uniforms.

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