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"Troubled USS Boxer Returns Home 10 Days into Deployment" Topic

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian15 Apr 2024 4:36 a.m. PST

The maintenance-embattled USS Boxer is heading back to San Diego just 10 days after deploying due to an engineering issue, as first reported by USNI News and confirmed to by Navy officials…

Military: link

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2024 5:06 a.m. PST

These paragraphs probably say it all:

"While the investigation's timing may seem coincidental, the four-star admiral said Monday that the branch was trying to be proactive and keep delays to just the Boxer.

"We're seeing some potential delays on [the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp]," Franchetti said. "We're trying to look ahead to make sure that we can, I want to say, nip this in the bud."

The Wasp, which is the same class of ship as the Boxer, departed Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, in early March only to return shortly afterward. A spokesperson for Surface Force Atlantic told following the incident that "during the underway, the ship discovered an engineering irregularity" and "returned to port to effect repairs."

The ship got underway again at the end of March without issue.

A defense official told in March that the Boxer had originally been slated to deploy late last year, but it was held up thanks to a series of delays and mechanical issues that were driven, at least partly, by poor leadership aboard the ship.

Two previous command investigations conducted on at least three different engineering breakdowns showed "a lack of procedural compliance, substandard supervisory oversight, and general complacency by the crew," according to the ship's strike group commander.

Those breakdowns, information on which was released to as part of a Freedom of Information Act request, revealed that the ship had experienced damage to two "forced draft blowers" on Nov. 8, 2022. A separate investigation into that incident, also provided to via FOIA request, faulted "poor quality craftsmanship, lack of industry repair skill set/capabilities" and a "lack of supervisory oversight" from the Navy offices overseeing the work."

How many of these were appointed, NOT for their competence? Same for the enlisted. They can't do the job, or won't, discharge them. If they "won't", dishonorably discharge them. If it is the fault of appointed civilian oversight, fire them.

Yes there is more involved, but this is a large part of the issue.

Dragon Gunner15 Apr 2024 9:31 a.m. PST

It sounds like the Wasp, a ship of the same class had issues also.

If NIS wants to investigate and get honest answers from the enlisted about what the problems are they need to assign any whistle blower to another command. I have been interviewed in a few witch hunts in my time and long after the investigation is over and the officers have forgotten about the enlisted that testified the retaliation will be horrific.

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