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"Swiss and Croatians in Russia 1812" Topic

6 Posts

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79thPA Supporting Member of TMP12 Apr 2024 7:00 a.m. PST

I see that a Swiss regiment was brigaed with a Croation regiment in II Corps. Other than both being foreign regiments, it seems like an odd combination. Were the Swiss supposed to act as a stiffener for the Croats?

Prince of Essling12 Apr 2024 8:40 a.m. PST

Extracted from French II Corps l5 September l8l2
9th Division: Général de division Merle
lst Brigade: Général de brigade Condras
lst Swiss Line Regiment (2 battalions + artillery co)(864)(2-3pdrs)
2nd Swiss Line Regiment(3 battalions + artillery co)(983)(2-3pdrs)
2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Amey
4th Swiss Line Regiment (3 battalions + artillery co)(664)(2-3pdrs)
3rd Provisional Croatian Regiment (2 battalions + artillery co) (l,330) (2-3pdrs)
3rd Brigade: Général de brigade Coutard
3rd Swiss Line Regiment (3 battalions + artillery co)(3l4)(2-3pdrs)
l23rd Line Regiment (3 battalions + artillery co)(l,045)(2-3pdrs)
Artillery: (Total 369)
4/7th Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)
5/2nd Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How)
Det. l7th Artillery Artisian Company
3/,5/8th Train (bis) Battalion
5/lst Sapper Battalion
Possibly, though probably was done to equalise the number of battalions in 1st & 2nd brigades. The Croats might as easily been brigaded with the 123rd line – note the latter was formed from Dutch troops.

von Winterfeldt12 Apr 2024 10:08 a.m. PST

Croats were always fine soldiers, why should they need Suisse to stiffen them, in case I remember correctly the Croats were light infantry so they complement the line units.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP12 Apr 2024 10:27 a.m. PST

I don't know anything about them, hence the question.

TimePortal12 Apr 2024 4:14 p.m. PST

For units going to Spain and Russia from Italy, Croatia and Dalmatia, they were reorganized with the center companies remaining in the home region. The elite companies and volunteers from the center companies going to Spain and Russia.

As vW posted the Croatian were noted as strong units with low desertion rates. They were light infantry as their uniforms imply.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP12 Apr 2024 7:33 p.m. PST

Thank you all for the information. This is quite the rabbit hole.

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