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"Large skirmishes with Feudal Patrol" Topic

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Tango0131 Mar 2024 5:11 p.m. PST

"As part of my ongoing quest to represent all levels of Sengoku Jidai warfare, I've recently revisited ‘large skirmish.' By which I mean something larger than Test of Honour, so around 30 to 50 figures or so. I wanted the game to be able to track individuals rather than units, and this meant Feudal Patrol was the ideal framework. I've written a bit about Feudal Patrol previously, but the real advantage to it is how quickly it is able to resolve 1-on-1 combats because of the card system. This means you can speedily resolve combats involving multiple combatants and still have figures react as individuals. It also means you can form Feudal units of troops with different equipment and skills…"




Main action at TENKA FUBU Blog



Texaswalker01 Apr 2024 5:25 p.m. PST

Your figures have a great look.

Tango0103 Apr 2024 12:27 p.m. PST

Glad you like them… but not mine… I only share it here…


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