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"Favorite ACW Authors?" Topic

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29 Mar 2024 5:02 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Crossposted to TMP Poll Suggestions board

29 Mar 2024 5:02 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Favorite ACW Authors" to "Favorite ACW Authors?"

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Russ Haynes Supporting Member of TMP28 Mar 2024 8:36 p.m. PST

Just curious if others have favorite authors/writers for the ACW period? Bruce Catton has always been a favorite and early on I collected all of Edward J. Stackpole's books. Of more modern day writers I would say Stephen Sears has written several books that were enjoyable. I'm reading Peter Cozzens's book on Iuka and Corinth right now and have his other books on order. I've read Gordon Rhea's first book on the Overland Campaign and may make that my next series to collect and read. Earl Hess has quite a number of books but I'd be interested in other's thoughts on his work. There are bunches of other authors out there who have written 2+ American Civil War books. Who are your favorites?

DisasterWargamer Supporting Member of TMP28 Mar 2024 9:40 p.m. PST

Always enjoyed Wiley Sword and James McPherson

AussieAndy29 Mar 2024 3:26 a.m. PST

Gordon Rhea for me.

Escapee Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 5:20 a.m. PST

After Catton, Stephen Sears, McPherson.

Ferd4523129 Mar 2024 5:23 a.m. PST

I have enjoyed, and own, books by all the authors mentioned. In my opinion Earl Hess has done excellent work across a wide spectrum of military subjects. His detailed analysis of the battle around Atlanta is as good as it gets. He has covered logistics, field fortifications weapons and weapon systems. Nuts and bolts, sirs, nuts and bolts. Also wrote a book with his wife on my favorite movie musical, "Singing in the Rain". Lets see any other Civil War writer top that last one. H

mjkerner29 Mar 2024 7:55 a.m. PST

All of the above, plus Harry Pfanz and Shelby Foote.

Garryowen Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 8:19 a.m. PST

Robert O'Neill, Gordon Rhea, Bradley Gottfried, Robert Trout, Eric Wittenberg.


Bill N29 Mar 2024 8:52 a.m. PST


Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 9:49 a.m. PST

Peter Cozzins.

smithsco29 Mar 2024 9:59 a.m. PST

McPherson and Catton are classics. I've enjoyed the recent work of Allan Guelzo

Blount Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 2:23 p.m. PST

Stephen Sears

donlowry29 Mar 2024 4:40 p.m. PST

myself, of course

Personal logo BobTYW Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 5:25 p.m. PST

Shelby Foote, then Bruce Catton.

Extrabio1947 Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 5:50 p.m. PST

Larry J. Daniel, David Powell, Wiley Sword, Peter Cozzens, and Earl Hess

Ryan T29 Mar 2024 6:58 p.m. PST

I have to add Thomas L. Connelly to this list. I read his Autumn of Glory: The Army of Tennessee, 1862-1865 in my first year of university and then hunted down his earlier written Army of the Heartland: The Army of Tennessee, 1861-1862. These two volumes got me interested in the Western Theater and Connelly's later book, co-authored with Archer Jones, The Politics of Command, Factions and Ideas in Confederate Strategy, only served to reinforce my lasting interest in the subject.

Normal Guy Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2024 7:53 p.m. PST

Catton. Powell, Rhea, Gottfried

3rd5ODeuce Supporting Member of TMP30 Mar 2024 1:37 a.m. PST

James McPherson, Allen C. Guelzo, Shelby Foote and Bruce Catton.

donlowry30 Mar 2024 8:38 a.m. PST

Fletcher Pratt, Edwin Coddington, Kenneth P. Williams, A. L. Conger, U. S. Grant, W. T. Sherman, T. Harry Williams, Jack Coggins, Mark M. Boatner III, Douglas Southall Freeman, David A. Powell, and, of course, Bruce Catton -- in no particular order.

Cleburne186330 Mar 2024 10:32 a.m. PST

Henry Pfanz, David Powell, Tim Smith, Gordon Rhea, Gary Ecelbarger.

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP01 Apr 2024 2:20 a.m. PST

Bruce Catton, Stephen Sears, Gary Gallagher, James MacPherson, John Michael Priest, David Potter

Trajanus02 Apr 2024 12:54 p.m. PST


Buy the rest of Rhea's Overland Campaign series. You wont regret it!

Russ Haynes Supporting Member of TMP03 Apr 2024 11:58 a.m. PST


I just ordered the rest! lol

Russ Haynes Supporting Member of TMP03 Apr 2024 7:42 p.m. PST

Thanks guys for the input! My "to buy" list has grown a lot!


Kernstown28 Apr 2024 2:07 p.m. PST

Gary Ecelbarger wrote a masterful book on First Kernstown, entitled "We are in for it". The definitive work on the first major clash of Jackson's valley campaign.

Ammianus30 Apr 2024 10:11 a.m. PST

David Powell for sure!

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