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25 Mar 2024 2:22 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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GamesPoet Supporting Member of TMP22 Mar 2024 2:57 p.m. PST

Paul Harper thinks that Cerdic's barrow has been found …

YouTube link

… and he has written a book coming out on April 29th, 2024.

Old Glory Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Mar 2024 3:15 p.m. PST

Medieval discussion??

GildasFacit Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Mar 2024 3:25 p.m. PST

What was the 'Dark Ages' is now 'Early Medieval'.

Prince Rupert of the Rhine22 Mar 2024 11:38 p.m. PST

I thought we were calling it Late Antiquity now?

old china23 Mar 2024 5:38 a.m. PST

Medieval is accepted, by proper historians, to be 500AD to 1500AD. It's sub-divided into Early, High and Late.

Cerdic23 Mar 2024 8:45 a.m. PST

Ahhh…so that's where I left it…!

Prince Rupert of the Rhine23 Mar 2024 9:20 a.m. PST

According to Oxford university history department, who I guess are proper historians,

Late Antiquity', the period between approximately 250 and 750 CE, witnessed massive cultural and political changes: the emergence of the world's great monotheistic religions, rabbinic Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; the development, and eventual destruction, of the Sasanian empire, the last Persian empire of Antiquity; the Germanic conquest and settlement of the western Roman empire; the transformation of Byzantium into a militarised and christianised society. The world of 750 was radically different from the world of 250, and the legacy of the changes that had occurred is very much with us today – from European states tracing their origins to Germanic invaders, to the cultural divide brought about by the rise of Islam.

GildasFacit Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Mar 2024 1:31 p.m. PST

Ask two historians the same question and you will still get 4 answers.

And they will still argue their right to dispute any or all of them – including the one their last paper was on.

GamesPoet Supporting Member of TMP25 Mar 2024 3:20 p.m. PST

No matter what the name is, there's a book coming out by Paul Harper on April 29th regarding Cedric's barrow being found. Link to a video on the topic in the original post, cheers!

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