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"Playtest - "Crossing the Sambre - August 1914"" Topic

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Ponder Supporting Member of TMP10 Mar 2024 9:30 a.m. PST


Ran a playtest of my Crossing the Sambre – August 1914 game yesterday for the Potomac Wargamers. Big game, 9 players – each commanding a division (4 German & 5 French). The game was played using game using Frank Chadwick's in-development rules, Breakthrough – Decision in Europe. My unsanctioned mod for 1914. 15mm figures, 10mm for artillery, and Pico Armor buildings.

Think I will limit it to 4 players for Historicon. Still need to make the hills, to complete the game terrain, but had the Namur forts done for this game. I think it will be an excellent convention game.

With the nine players, eight of whom who had not played before, we got through 5 turns in 4 hours. The game began with the night turn for August 20th, and ended with the morning turn for the 22nd.

The changes to the rules for 1914:

1) Unit scale – Units are regiments, not battalions.

2) Artillery – As no tactical radios, artillery must either be able to see the target, or be within 6-inches of a unit that can see the enemy to support or barrage. Rear support for a unit by artillery adds two dice.

Select photos from the game below:

Photo 1 – Terrain setup

Photo 2 – Terrain, the forts around Namur

Photo 3 – At-start, French I Corps on the march

Photo 4 – The German Guard Corps' bridgehead on the Sambre, morning of August 21st

Photo 5 – The German XII Corps has crossed the Meuse, night of the 21st

Photo 6 – The French begin to retreat

Ponder on,


pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP10 Mar 2024 12:30 p.m. PST

An enjoyable game. Despite my French hardly ever making a cohesion roll, while the Germans made almost every one!

Rocco Siffredi10 Mar 2024 5:31 p.m. PST

I really dig the aesthetic of your table, man. Looks like something the World War One generals would have had in their chateaus.

Also, the Netflix version of All Quiet on the Western Front sucked balls.

Prince Alberts Revenge10 Mar 2024 8:01 p.m. PST

I concur with Mr. Siffredi, the table setup and unit bases really give the impression of operational actions. Very cool looking battle; If I'm not mistaken, I think my friend participated in one of your battles at one of the past HMGS conventions and I recall him having a very fun time.

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