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660 hits since 21 Jan 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Warspite121 Jan 2024 4:25 p.m. PST

I have been following Mike Brady for about a year on his Oceanliner Designs YouTube pages. Informative and with superb CGI and graphics he looks at merchant shipping of all ages including highly detailed Titanic material. All good general maritime stuff.

However, he is branching out into naval rather than merchant now with one and a quarter hours (just published) on the Battle of North Cape otherwise known as the sinking of the KM Scharnhorst:

YouTube link

The 'lucky' Scharnhorst had already sunk HMS Rawalpindi and HMS Glorious in earlier actions but the ship's luck ran out with a northern twilight attempt at attacking a convoy to the Soviet Union. In a running battle with cruisers she was found and damaged twice while all the time the 14-inch gunned HMS Duke of York was bearing down on her.

Scharnorst nearly got away from DoY when DoY suffered radar damage but RN blindfire, as the range opened, sent one or more 14-inch projectiles slicing into her engine rooms and her speed fell rapidly.

Some of the best graphics I have seen and well worth a watch. Not mentioned is the fact that the Norwegian navy has now located the wreck and found it upside down in relatively shallow waters with some 60 metres blown off around the two forward turrets. It would appear the two forward magazines exploded at some point.

A Warspite recommended watch!


Louis Coatney22 Jan 2024 8:11 a.m. PST

The KGVs' (quadruple) gun turrets chronically malfunctioned, but the British had honed their naval gunnery accuracy to the point the KGVs could be decisive in a battle anyway:

Prince of Wales significantly wounding Bismarck in the Denmark Strait in May41 and Duke of York's long distance – ergo plunging and engineering plant penetrating – Hail Mary! shot which crippled Scharnhorst's speed enabling the cruisers and (in the rough seas) destroyers to catch up.

Note that HNoMS Stord got in the closest to make the most torpedo hits … just north of its occupied country.

I've accused (pre-eminent British naval miniatures wargamer) David Manley of the British actually having had still-secret 14" homing shells. B-)

I'll have to check out the CGI.

Naval battle feature films with such now-adequate/excellent CGI can be made, as in the case of the recent Midway … despite its flaws like no B-17s while limitless B-26s bombing, not making suicidal torpedo runs as historically.

Muri's plane actually buzzed the length of Akagi's flight deck, and there is an excellent painting of that.

Think what those B-26s could have done instead … at far less vulnerable high diving speed … laying strings of 500 pounders along those flight decks.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP22 Jan 2024 2:32 p.m. PST

Nice find!

Warspite122 Jan 2024 3:53 p.m. PST

Thank you.


microgeorge22 Jan 2024 7:29 p.m. PST

Nice video. Many thanks for sharing.

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