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Workbench is where the Editor does his best to assemble, paint, and prepare some of the products sent to us here at The Miniatures Page.

He may be more of a perfectionist than you are - or he may be less of one! He's not trying to prescribe the One Right Way. He's just trying to describe how one guy happens to do it.

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656,096 hits since 19 Mar 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Deep Dream: Women Warriors

What happens when AI generates Women Warriors? [21 Apr 2023]


Not just improving a photo, but transforming it using artificial intelligence. [9 Feb 2023]
Wyatt the Odd Fezian makes a unique gift. [12 Feb 2009]
With the release of the Check Your 6! rules, Monkey Hanger Fezian finds his interest in WWII air-combat gaming has rekindled. [12 Oct 2008]
Cold Steel gives us advice, and we test it. [9 Sep 2008]
miscmini Fezian builds, paints, and decals Reviresco's 1/144 scale Dewoitine D.510. [2 Sep 2008]
What flight stand for our Hurricanes? [26 Aug 2008]
miscmini Fezian completes his work by applying decals, doing a bit of weathering, and coating the minis with a matte-finish. [25 Aug 2008]
miscmini Fezian assembles and paints two varieties of Hurricanes from Game Figures, Inc.. [22 Jul 2008]
The Editor returns to paper modeling after a long absence. [1 Jul 2008]
How Blind Old Hag Fezian makes flight stands for 1/300 scale aircraft. [17 Jan 2008]
Somehow, miscmini Fezian finds himself in the Workbench with several 15mm scale Russian WWII fighters... [25 Jun 2007]
Mal Wright Fezian experiments to find a better way to mount aircraft for wargaming. [22 Jan 2007]