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Workbench is where the Editor does his best to assemble, paint, and prepare some of the products sent to us here at The Miniatures Page.

He may be more of a perfectionist than you are - or he may be less of one! He's not trying to prescribe the One Right Way. He's just trying to describe how one guy happens to do it.

If you would like to write a Workbench article, or if you are a manufacturer and would like your products featured in Workbench, please view the FAQ.

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Useful Ramekins

Another problem solved at the dollar store!

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Cobblestone Corners Christmas Trees

Christmas trees for your gaming table.

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661,665 hits since 19 Mar 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Deep Dream: Getting Personal

Generating portraits using Deep Dream Generator. [28 Mar 2023]


Need custom bases? [30 Aug 2021]
Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian tries a stucco repair product to contour his bases. [29 Jul 2020]
The modeler himself shows how he paints Guilford Courthouse in 40mm scale. [1 Dec 2010]
Hate having to scratchbuild your own masts? Not any more... [28 Oct 2009]
The G Dog Fezian couldn't say 'no' to this opportunity! [30 Jul 2009]
The goal is to build a series of gameboards covering Longstreet's Assault on the 2nd day of Gettysburg. [28 Jan 2008]
The G Dog Fezian replicates a mortar schooner at Fort Jackson during the New Orleans campaign. [21 Dec 2007]
Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian is a naval wargamer who likes the smaller scales, so who better to show us how to paint small-scale ironclads? [13 Aug 2007]
Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian builds Merrimack/Old Glory Shipyard's 1/600 scale USS Amphitrite. [2 Jul 2007]
Damaged in an ocean crossing, Bay Area Yard's 1:600 scale U.S.S. Marmora finally appears in Workbench. [25 Jun 2007]
David Conyers of Aire Brush Painting Service tells how he builds and paints 1/1200 scale ACW ship. [5 Mar 2007]
While driving across the country, the Editor was fortunate enough to be invited in by Steve Smith - and a wargaming tour was in order! [9 Nov 2004]
Reader Alamo36t tells us how to paint 10mm scale ACW figures quickly and easily. [5 Mar 2002]

The Editor finally finishes that ironclad project he started back in '98... [28 Jul 2001]

The Editor does his best with a 1:2400 scale resin ironclad, and even messes around with some artist gel... [27 Jul 2001]
Three sizes of battlefield craters from Tactical Conflict Systems [10 Mar 2000]