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Totemic Pig Sharpshooter

Totemic Pig Sharpshooter
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
€7.00 EUR

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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian writes:

Be vewy vewy quiet… we'we hunting wabbits….

Revision Log
19 March 2009page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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miscmini Fezian writes:

MSB's Totemic Pig Sharpshooter

MSB's Totemic Pig Sharpshooter figure caught my eye and looked like it would be an interesting subject. I checked the MSB website to see if the Sharpshooter had enough friends to make a counter-Teddy Bear unit. Although there are a few more Totemic Pigs, I don't think there are enough to make a small army.

The unassembled miniature is depicted in the following picture:

Unassembled miniature

The miniature didn't have significant seam lines or blemishes, and cleaned up nicely. I applied Rust-Oleum Clean Metal Primer to the assembled miniature.

Miniature with primer
I generally like to paint miniatures from the inside to the outside (eyes/mouth, skin, hair, inner clothing, outer clothing, weapons, etc.). In this case, I decided to delay painting the eyes until later.

I applied Vallejo Game Color Pale Flesh as the basecoat.
