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Painting Copplestone Castings' Corporate Babes

Corporate Babes
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£8.00 GBP

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Tgunner writes:

Pretty nice. Velma with a gun. Well done indeed.

Revision Log
11 March 2008page first published

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Stronty Girl Fezian (AKA Amanda Kear) writes:

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian supplied me with a couple of 'babes' from the Corporate Babes set by Copplestone Castings. I decided to do one black, and one white with red hair - a sort of female version on Sinister and Dexter from 2000AD.

The paints I usually use are a mixture of artist's acrylics of various brands, GW paints and Rackham colours. I use a wet-blending technique, so for a lot of the time I'll have 2 colours of paint and 2 brushes on the go at once.

Stage 1:

I glued them to copper coins, and covered the base with Polyfilla (that's spackle to those across the pond). Babe #1 was undercoated in dark grey Humbrol hobby spray. Babe #2 was undercoated in Plasti-Kote Projekt paint: Matt Super, Antique White (because my local DIY store had run out of plain old non-antique white).

Corporate Babes

Stage 2:

Babe #1 had her flesh basecoat of Winsor & Newton Finity Burnt Umber applied. Then a wash of GW Chaos Black over that. At the same time, I painted her hair GW Chaos Black. Meanwhile, Babe #2 got a basecoat of GW Dwarf Flesh, then a wash of Winsor & Newton Finity Burnt Umber.

Corporate Babes

Stage 3:

Doing the skintones properly. Babe #1 was highlighted with a mix of GW Chaos Black and Scorched Brown. Next, she was drybrushed with Rowney Cryla Bronze Yellow. When that was dry, she got a wash of W&N Burnt Umber. There were a couple of places I'd been a bit heavy handed on the drybrushing, so those were given a thin coat of that mix of GW Chaos Black and Scorched Brown.

Meanwhile, Babe #2 was done by wet-blending rather than drybrushing. GW Tanned Flesh was blended into the W&N Burnt Umber. Then GW Dwarf Flesh was blended into the Tanned Flesh.

The bases of both ladies were meanwhile given a coat of Rowney Cryla Bright Green.

Corporate Babes