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Adam Paints Some Rusty Skeletons

Skeletal Greeks
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$17.50 USD

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Battle Miniatures Emporium writes:

Right out of "Jason and The Argonauts".

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17 November 2010page first published

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Adam8472 Fezian of Pro Painted Miniatures writes:

For this painting commission, I got to have a go at some rather classic-looking skeleton models. I quickly decided that these guys would benefit from some nice, rusty-looking armor.

All the paints used on these models are from the Citadel range.

Whenever I paint something that has large amounts of rusty armor or metal on it, I tend to do the same thing. That is, a black undercoat, basecoat of Tinbitz, then a drybrush of Boltgun Metal followed by a lighter drybrush of Chainmail. I then paste a coat of Devlan Mud over the lot. That pretty much does all the metal parts.


I then paint all the parts of the model that are not going to stay metal in Chaos Black.

The bone is more complicated. It's a basecoat of Scorched Brown, then a thick highlight of Bestial Brown, leaving the darker colour in the extreme recesses. The next couple of highlight shades are Bestial Brown with increasing amounts of Bleached Bone mixed in. The last two are Bleached Bone, followed by Bleached Bone mixed with Skull White. Done.


The skirts are Hawk Turquoise, highlighted with Vile Green.

The bases are sand, painted black, then drybrushed with Scorched Brown, Bestial Brown, Vomit Brown, then Bleached Bone. Little patches of static grass are then glued on.


I could happily paint a whole army of these guys, and I think they would look top.

I hope this article provides a tip or two. Get painting!!

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