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The Usefulness of Plastic Palette Knives

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jgawne writes:

Bill, you really like Dollar Tree don't you!

(but I admit they sometimes have cheap useful stuff)

Revision Log
2 July 2024page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Dollar Tree sells a pack of plastic palette knives.

Plastic Palette Knives

I find palette knives useful when applying and contouring filler on bases.

Plastic Palette Knives

I generally prefer metal palette knives, as I like the feel and they don't break.

Plastic Palette Knives

However, the advantage of plastic is that you can file the width down to whatever you need. Above, you can see that I've made a custom palette knife for contouring filler between 15mm figures on a multi-figure base.

(You may say: but there is already a narrow-tip palette knife in the set! To which I reply, yes, but it's plastic, it easily breaks, and it is too pointed; the modified thicker knife is more durable.)