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The Orcs from Nin-Gonost

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arabianknight writes:

Thanks for the write-up.

I've some Bloodbowl Orcs I've been putting off painting as I couldn't decide how to paint the skin. I hate the "Classic" almost day-glow green you tend to see, but I didn't want the LOTR near brown either. This highlighted darker green scheme looks good.

You've just saved me a few evenings experimentation – cheers :-)

Revision Log
6 September 2006page first published

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Steve Skutell of Hoard Painting Service writes:

These Orcs were some of my first commission work since moving to Las Vegas. It is drier than Kentucky, so I found that I had to work a bit quicker before the paint dried up.

I was asked to give them green skin and a "dungeon" style of basing.

I started with using a flat black primer bought from the local Wallyworld. I worked on the flesh first using Vallejo MC Extra Dark Green, then worked it up, mixing in some MC Lime Green and a final highlight of Lime Green.

For the armor, I went for a GC Bright Bronze, and then covered most of the armor with black. The leather I painted GC Brown Leather. From the looks of the miniatures, I didn't think these Orcs were taking pride in their equipment...

Similarly, the weapons they are using don't look to be in that great of condition, so I painted them accordingly. The metal weapons I painted with MC Natural Steel, and the wooden weapons were painted with MC German Camo Black Brown with some highlights of Beige Brown.

I put my standard raw umber oil wash on the miniatures, and put an additional Lime Green highlight on the Orcs' flesh.

I remember reading a while ago in some GW publications that Orcs were green due to the fungus they ate. Considering this, and that their equipment was not that well maintained, I didn't do a "clean" dungeon floor for the bases. I thought the floors would be covered with growth and rubble!

I used a base of MC Stone Grey over Pumice Paste, then I just did random browns and greens to represent fungus and dirt on the floor.

Orc with bow
Orc with two blades
Orc with halberd
Orc with bow
Orc with sword
Orc with bow
Orc with club
Orc with axe
Orc with sword
Orc with axe

The feel of the miniatures is that of a small raiding party rather than part of a larger army, and I think the paintjob I gave them represents that.

The gang of Orcs

Steve would charge $73.50 USD to paint 10 Orcs, including shipping across the U.S.