I recently stocked back up on paints. My preferred paint brand lately is Coat d'Arms, which is available in the USA from Scale Creep.

If the paint pot looks familiar, that's because this line of paint is the same paint as a former Games Workshop paint range – same containers, same colors (renamed), plus a bunch of colors and painting products added over the years.

My simple tip today solves the problem of how do you tell your paint pots apart, when they're crowded together on the shelf? Fortunately, many brands of paint have nice, white lids!

As you see above, I've brushed some paint onto the lid of this brand-new pot. Usually, it takes a few coats to get the paint to where you can recognize its final color…

…but I find the slight effort useful, when I need to find the right color at the right time!

Of course, you could just put a dab of paint instead of painting the whole lid, and you don't have to be neat about it unless you are neat-obsessed like I am!