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Beowolf Paints 8th Army Shermans

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17 July 2008page first published

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Beowulf Fezian writes:

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian asked me to do another Workbench report, and I couldn't say no. Now it was my turn to paint 3 Battlefront Shermans. They were to be painted in 8th Army colours.

My goal this time is to show a quick, easy method that will yield nice-looking results.

I seem to be cursed with these projects, because as soon as I opened the blisters, I found one Sherman was missing the commander's hatch. Rats! So I emailed Battlefront, and one week later I got a brand-new Sherman. Nice service!

Assembled model

Construction was pretty straightforward. The track positioning needed a little extra work. I had to trim them a little to get a better fit. I added some filler where needed, sanded, and primed it.

Primed model
Primed model