Today for your painting pleasure, I am having a go at some of Bobby Jackson's Thugz. Nice little models, and without any brief from Editor in Chief Bill
, I have a clean slate when it comes to my choice of colours!
Being that they are obviously black gangsters, I thought I'd do all their clothes the same colour - white. With a few techniques of 'how to paint white' flying about, I decided to give a couple a try on the clothes of these models and see which is best (a subjective term, I know..). Bill doesn’t mind me experimenting, I’m sure...
Even though I’m painting lots of white, all these models get a spray undercoat of Chaos Black.

These two guys have white which starts as Fenris Grey, then a highlight of Fenris Grey mixed with Astronomican Grey, then Astronomican Grey, and lastly, Skull White. This gives a more blue-ish tinge to the white, with a nice deep colour in the recesses. My favourite.

The white on this little maniac is the same as the last two, but replacing Fenris Grey with Adeptus Battlegrey. Gives a more bleak, less organic look to the white.

Big Mamma here has all the white bits painted Skull White, than given a wash of black ink mixed with a tiny bit of Fenris Grey which is watered down 50/50. This gives a ghastly-looking effect that is improved somewhat by going back over the raised areas with Skull White. Not my favourite at all.
The skin on all four models is Bestial Brown mixed with Chaos Black for the basecoat. Then Bestial Brown, and finally Bestial Brown mixed with a bit of Vomit Brown.
The bases are sand painted black, then drybrushed lightly with Adeptus Battlegrey, then Astronomican Grey.
I would have varnished them with Testors Dullcote, but I ran out and it seems not to be available at all in the U.K., and no-one will import. Boo!
To see some more of my models, have a peek at