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Memphis, Tennessee (Ed G.)


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Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP writes:

is that statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest still standing after the Destroy the Past moment of last summer?

Revision Log
20 April 2006page first published

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18th Century
American Civil War
World War One

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Ed G., painter #4, takes a break from moving to check in...

Sorry, everyone, for the delay. The box headed off today (April 11th).

I received the box last Thursday. I popped it open to see what it was and was shocked and embarrassed. I recently received a job offer in Maryland and have spent the last few weeks packing and prepping to go, and had completely forgotten about the miniatures. I had every intention of painting one of the many figs in the box and sending it on, but due to the utter chaos at my house I ended up swapping out "the female figure with the jet pack and two pistols" for a Foundry pirate I painted four years ago - not my best work - and painted my living room instead.

The "female figure with the jet pack and two pistols" is Major Betty Steele from Rattrap Productions.
Foundry pirate, as painted by Ed G.

I finally remembered to grab the box on my way out this morning, and decided to take a long lunch and take a couple of pictures. First, I went to Overton Park here in Memphis, and took a picture of the figure with the WWI memorial statue.

WWI Memorial Statue in Memphis

It is a monument to all of the citizens of Memphis that died fighting in the "Great War." That statue has always been one of my favorites. I also took a pic with the fig in front of the 3 flags that fly there - the one on the left is a POW/MIA flag, the center one is the American Flag, and the one on the right is the Tennessee state flag.

Foundry pirate in front of the three flags

Then I dashed across town to Forrest Park and took a couple of photos of the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest, where his remains are located.

Statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest

The box itself contains a lot of interesting figures. Sorry again that I wasn't able to paint one of the figs in the box. Also sorry for the delay in posting, but the package is on it's way to St. Louis!

Oh, and if any of you guys live around Baltimore or D.C. and know of some good shops, I will be starting a job there the second week in May.

Now on to Brad H. in St. Louis...