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Beowulf Paints a Drow Archer

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major blunder writes:

Nice paintjob, but a horrible 'bow portrait'. Looks like a mongol horse bow with some of the limb section missing. Must be all that dabbling with crossbows.

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2 February 2009page first published

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Beowulf Fezian writes:

I have always liked Wizard of the Coast's Chainmail miniatures. These captured the essence of the creatures they portrayed. I especially liked the Drow, so I jumped at the opportunity to do a Workbench article on WOC's Drow Archer. As usual, I used easy techniques that will yield good results even to inexperienced painters.

The miniature came in a small box, with a card containing all the necessary information for Chainmail. There is a colour picture that can be used as a painting reference.

The figure is a one-piece cast. There was very little flash, which was promptly filed away. I glued it to the base, and primed it with Rust-Oleum Grey Primer.

Primed (back)

I painted the whole body GW Chaos Black. I decided to paint the figure in dark colours, and this would be a good base.

Painted black

I drybrushed GW Liche Purple on the leggings and the arrows' feathers.


Next, I drybrushed GW Boltgun Metal on the chainmail, and painted the armour plates GW Regal Blue. I then added white to the blue, and drybrushed the edges of the armour.

Regal Blue