This installment of Adam Paints sees me having a go at some DemonBlade models - namely, their Commandant and ShockForce Omega soldiers.
Editor in Chief Bill
is a funny old fish when it comes to his painting commissions, as he rarely has a brief for me to work to, and just lets me get on with it in any way I see fit. This means I actually have to use my imagination when creating colour schemes for the models he sends me. I should charge extra for the mental strain!
With these models I wanted to do some really stark highlighting, going from very dark to very light. I should do this more often, as it invariably looks great and provides a more 'cartoony' style. I have also been using the Citadel Foundation paints more and more regularly in my day-to-day painting, and wanted to show them off a bit. I have had them for a few months now and they are fully assimilated into my repertoire. I can't recommend them enough. Buy them!
These chaps are undercoated in Citadel black spray.
All the colours I use are either Citadel Colour or Citadel Foundation acrylic paints. I don't use thinners or retardants 'cos I don't understand them. Water does the job, and it's cheap from taps.
The feature colour for these models is red. In keeping with my vision for them, I started with Scab Red - which is the darkest in the range - then Red Gore and Blood Red. This always looks pretty cool by itself, but because I wanted to include more extreme highlights, I put in a fine line of Fiery Orange, then a final highlight of Fiery Orange mixed with red.
The clothing is basecoated in Scorched Brown, then given a coat of Calthan Brown, leaving the deep folds in the darker colour. Increasing amounts of Vomit Brown are added to the Calthan Brown for successive highlights, with Bleached Bone used for the very finest.
The skin is all Scorched Brown with a first highlight of Bestial Brown. Then Tallarn Flesh is added for the highlights.
I left the eyes black, I always do this with models whose eyes are not immediately visible. I see it as a mistake to try and paint white dots into recessed eyes. It can ruin models.
The black is fine-highlighted first with Adeptus Battlegrey, then Astronomican Grey. I love these colours, and always do black this way now.
The cool plasma gun with its 'energy blue' look is started with Necron Abyss, then increasing amounts of Enchanted Blue added in, with Space Wolf Grey as the lightest colour.
All the metallic areas are Chainmail, with a wash of black ink (mixed with a teensy bit of Charadon Granite) to give it a weathered look and take the shiny edge off the ink.
The bases are modelling sand, painted black. First drybrushed with Khemri Brown, then Deneb Stone. Little patches of Games Workshop's new scorched grass are then glued on.

See. Now they're finished. Let me know what you think!

See for more examples of my painting.