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Army Group North's 1/56th KV-1 and KV-2

KV-1 (x 3 models)
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Suggested Retail Price
$100 USD

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aercdr writes:

Thanks for the step by step photos and description. A real help.

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8 January 2009page first published

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miscmini Fezian writes:

Finished KV-2 and a KV-1 turret

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian had three Army Group North KV-1 kits and a KV-2 turret that needed to be built and painted. I like the look of the KV-2 and hadn't worked on an Army Group North model before, so I asked Bill if he would allow me to work on them. This article describes my experience assembling and painting the models.

Here is a picture of the kit components. I've included the full KV-1 kit, and the contents of the KV-2 turret kit. The kit is a mix of resin and white metal.

Basic Kit components

I removed seam lines, washed the parts in soapy water, allowed them to dry, assembled the turrets, and then filled in some minor air pockets (on the periscopes) with two-part putty. I used superglue to attach the components to the hull and turret.

Assembled turrets & filled air pockets

After I finished assembling the models, I gave them another quick wash in soapy water, let them dry, and then applied Rust-Oleum's Dark Gray aerosol primer. The aerosol spray did not reach all parts of the suspension, so I applied some black paint to the bare areas with a brush. I then applied the basecoats of paint.

Hull and turret:
Vallejo Model Color 096 Russian Green
Track and machineguns:
Andrea Color AC47 Gun Metal
Andrea Color AC5 Russian Khaki
Vallejo Game Color Earth
Base coats applied