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Bronze Age Barbarians

Barbarians (3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$10.00 USD

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jennytrippi writes:

What horrible things did they do? Can you tell me more stickman boost

Revision Log
19 May 2010page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Roderick Robertson Fezian of Light of Action writes:

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian sent me four barbarians from Bronze Age Miniatures.

The figures are very Frazetta-esque. One figure is basically the Deathdealer on foot, while I think I've seen the others, but can't say where.

The sculpts are relatively clean, with minimal flash, tags, or mold lines.

  • #8 is a champion with raised sword and separate oval shield. Height - 38mm to top of head.
  • #9 is a foot version of the famous Deathdealer, though unarmored except for the helmet and a pair of greaves. Height - ~36mm to top of head.
  • #10 is a gladiator in Thracian-style equipment, though he wields a long, straight gladius rather than the typical "bent" or curved "Thracian" sword. Height - 37mm to top of head.
  • #11 is a "Horned God" wielding a Celtic-stye sword and wearing a helmet with antlers (don't they get in the way? Maybe he doesn't do any swordwork above his shoulders...). Height - ~35mm to top of head.
Two barbarians
Two more barbarians

Once the figures were prepped, I primered white.

I rarely use black primer. (I don't currently have any black spraypaint, anyway…) I prefer the brightness that white primer gives colors.

I washed all the metal bits with black (for iron) or brown (for bronze/gold). I normally also wash all exposed flesh with brown, but decided not to in this instance. (I'm not sure why...)

Washed barbarians

Once all that was done, I blocked in all major colors, flesh and metal.

I use a variety of paints - mostly craft paints, though I still have some old Ral Partha paints and various others. I'm not going to bother to name the colors, as I'm not even sure exactly what I used. Craft paints have an impressive number of colors, and I just pull them off the rack as inspiration strikes. I also have hand-made black and brown washes, and a bottle of "flesh" that I mixed up long ago.

Once the major colors were blocked in, I washed with darker colors - brown for flesh, darker reds and greens, etc. I don't use any particular technique. I wash and drybrush as the fit takes me, until the figure "looks right."


I decided not to try to do tartans or tattoos, even though these are "barbarians" - I've done it, but it's difficult to get the washing and drybrushing right.

In some cases, I decided to change colors mid-project - the gladiator's loincloth went from yellowish tan to a grey-brown, because the contrast with his flesh was better.

To do shields, I paint the back in a brown shade, then attach the shield to the figure with superglue. Then I paint the face of the shield - I find that it's usually easier to paint the face if I've got the figure to use as a holder.


I washed the base brown, then applied scenic flock with watered-down white glue. I prefer to undercoat brown for bases, because if the flock is uneven in application, or wears off, the undercoat looks like dirt.

Finished barbarians
Finished barbarians (back)
Finished barbarians
Finished barbarians (back)

Note: Three of these figures are currently available as a set (as listed above); the fourth figure (with the axe) is not currently in the manufacturer's catalog.