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Painting Dapple Grey Horses

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Cher Ami writes:

Pintos and Bays, Dapples and Greys…
All the pretty little Horsies

Beautiful work!

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9 February 2009page first published

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19,131 hits since 9 Feb 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Stronty Girl Fezian (AKA Amanda Kear) writes:

Here's a guide to how I paint grey horses - specifically, dapple greys. The two miniatures here are the 25mm "bare horse standing" from Amazon Miniatures, and a 28mm chariot horse from WarGods of Ægyptus by Crocodile Games. I use a wet-blending technique, so for a lot of the time I'll have two colours of paint and two brushes on the go at once.

Tools of the Trade

Actually, I lied - I use four brushes… although I never have more than two of them loaded with paint at any one time. For these models, I used four size-1 brushes, which from left to right are:

  1. brush that hasn't been used much, and thus still has a decent tip
  2. one with the tip past its best
  3. a knackered brush that can't hold anything like a tip any more
  4. and one so old and battered that the tip is as wide as the base

D gets used for mixing paint and drybrushing big areas. C is for painting big areas and drybrushing small ones, for blending and some dappling or stippling. B is for painting small areas and blending. A and B are both used for doing fine detail and twiddly bits.