Fellow TMPer's !
Editor in Chief Bill
asked me to do an article about painting 15mm Russian Front Kubelwagens, and this is what he sent me. I am not really a 15mm guy since I can barely see the figures, but I like to be a good sport about things.
The set is by the Battlefront (FOW) company. Fairly nice and clean sculpts. I have no complaints. Two Kubels, and two sets of a driver and a passenger.
I will be doing a basic tabletop standard. I would have preferred to do this in North Afrika colors, but I consented to do Early Eastern Front grey (yawn).
I took these and tidied them up a bit with a file.

Here they are primed black. I decided to go black, because I didn't want to go white. I could have done grey, since this would probably enrich the color. Black has a tendency to absorb your colors, but in this case, I am painting it grey (yawn) so it doesn't much matter.

This pic shows how I drybrushed them white to bring out the detail a bit. Better for me to see, and can revive the final result.

In this pic, I took the vehicle and painted it medium gray.

Now what I did was wash it with 5-parts flow release (get it in a craft store), 2-parts water, and 1 drop of GW black ink.
I drybrushed the vehicle with a lighter gray. Then I painted the roof cover, straps and seats in a drab/tan color.

Here I painted in the straps and top with a highlight shade and small brush. Then I did the headlights and license plate (back). I put the guys into the vehicles, and then got them painted up with standard German green-gray color. I did the flesh and washed it with GW Flesh Wash. (Should have watered it down a bit more...)

What I did here was take a lighter shade of the flesh, and try to squeeze in there and place a couple of highlights. I was a bit sloppy, but you can do it better if you take your time. I also touched the head lamps with a lighter blue.

OK - here is the final result. I splashed it with a bit of mud paint, painted small crosses on it, and rubbed them off to look worn.

Hope you enjoyed the program!
See you soon...