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Libby Gort!

Barbarian Libby (Seated)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£3.50 GBP

Mephalian 'Gort' Beast of Burden
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$22.50 USD

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alizardincrimson2 Fezian writes:

I have not posted them anywhere else yet :(
Any close ups in particular you were interested in?

Revision Log
11 October 2007page first published

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11,123 hits since 11 Oct 2007
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

alizardincrimson2 Fezian of Snitty Snitty Bang Bang writes:

This is Hasslefree's Libby.


This is an Alpha Forge Gort Beast.

Gort Beast

And this is Brandon Luffman of Rattlehead Games' fault!

Libby Gort!

OK, and mine, too.

And Herbie the Love Bug.

And too much caffeine.

And being a smart ass.

Just be glad that the Gort Beast doesn't still have lavender lip gloss! (That's for the next one... bwahahahahahah *cough*)

What paints did I use?


Ummm, those. (I just didn't think to record them.)

Putting the Gort Beast together...

Lots of pieces. Lots of pinning. A little of epoxy work. Very little flashing to deal with.

I put it together so well, in fact, that when I dropped it on my foot it stayed in one piece and I needed band aids. (Several.)

Putting Libby together....

Excellent Hasslefree mini. Little-to-no flashing and the pieces fit together beautifully. (Or would have, if I hadn't mangled her helmet. The wings on her helmet really don't need to be pinned in place. And they really don't want to be pinned, either. In fact, they get violent about it. Drill bit under the fingernail time!)

I cleaned up all the blood and ignored the mini for about a week. I was convinced it was trying to kill me at this point. (Brandon thought this was hilarious!)

Putting Libby & the Gort Beast together...

She fit quite nicely on its back. Just a little epoxy to extend the saddle a bit.

Libby Gort assembled