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It Started With Grandfather...

Dwarven Lord
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$2.95 USD

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kelless writes:

These are some nice dwarves link
particularly the guy with the pig under his arm .

Revision Log
27 August 2006added second part
26 April 2006page first published

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10,214 hits since 26 Apr 2006
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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It all began innocently enough. I was browsing eBay one day, not looking for anything in particular, when I stumbled upon a listing for a painted Dwarf...

eBay listing

Now, it's pretty rare of me to purchase painted figures, especially since I don't trust myself to judge quality from auction pictures. But I knew this was the Grandfather, a Dwarven general from the old FASA/Ral Partha Crucible line... and I already had several packs from that range... and I liked the look of the figure... so I put in a Best Offer of $12 USD, and to my utter surprise, won the figure.

When the figure arrived, I realized I'd made a terrific buy. To my mind, the Crucible Dwarves were very Gothic, dour and mechanical and dark - and I really liked what the artist had done with the figure. Even the "mud" base evoked the dreary setting these figures called to my mind.

Dwarven Grandfather (front)
Dwarven Grandfather (side)
Dwarven Grandfather (back)
Dwarven Grandfather (close up)
Dwarven Grandfather's mud base

So my next thought was... who is this seller, and can he paint any more Dwarves like this?