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1 - Looking at the Early-War Command Figures

Command Summer Dress
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$11.00 USD


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20 August 2003page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Before sending these figures off to Dave at Ever Victorious Miniatures, I did some light prep work and took a few photos.

The figures were clean of flash, so preparation took little-to-no time.

I knew that I wanted all of the infantry figures for this Project to be based similarly, so I glued all of the figures down to 1" steel disks. (These disks were formerly sold in the U.S. as anchors for construction work - unfortunately, they are no longer available. Probably because they are the same size as certain U.S. coins...Free soda, anyone?). I wanted a secure attachment, so used two-part epoxy as the adhesive.

Steel disks and an epoxied figure

This pack consists of leaders, standardbearers, and radiomen. The standardbearers are perhaps the most interesting, since they seem pretty archaic by later-war standards. The set includes two figures carrying poles topped with Soviet stars, posed as if rushing onwards.

Soviet standardbearers

The next four figures in the set are various types of leaders.

Crouching leader

There's a wide selection of headgear - soft cap, brimmed hat, and helmet.

Leader with pistol

The leaders are in "action" poses appropriate to the battlefield.

Leader with raised pistol

The sculptor has made a good effort to create dynamic figures.

Officer leading the way

The final figures in the set are a pair of radiomen, lugging the heavy electronic sets which radios required at the time.

Two radiomen, shown front and back

The figures were free of seam problems or other irregularities with the exception of one of the leader figures, which had a mold-mismatch on one arm. Rather than trying to solve that on my own, I've decided to pass that along for Dave to address. I'm curious to see whether he thinks it needs fixing, or if he thinks it won't be noticeable once the figure is painted.

The mold mismatch can be seen on the bottom of the sleeve