The zombies arrived! Here's a shot of 'em still in the bag:
And out of the bag:
As you can see, one of the selling points of the The Dead Will Walk! miniatures is a base with pre-molded details. The zombies fit into the base via a peg in one leg.
While the molded bases are nice, I wound up not liking the peg fit very much. The peg was very visible, and you would need to do some putty work to conceal the join. Being a bit lazy, I attempted to conceal the gaps with glue, cunning paint work, and carefully applied detritus. Also note that you might need to do some bending and filing to get the zombies to stand in a believable pose after inserting them into the base.
Although I didn't do this myself, I believe the bases would fit nicely into the top of the 30 mm round 'display-style' bases that you see with Warmachine and Dark Age miniatures. This could save some wear-and-tear on the paint jobs at the rims of the bases.
There was some flash, sprue, and mold lines on both the miniatures and their bases, but these were by-and-large easy to remove with clippers and a file. In some cases - for example, the Butcher's knife or the Waitress's plate - the objects were malformed, so I tried to shape them as I filed. Also, in pretty much every case, there was no finger detail on the closed or cupped hands. (I've seen miniatures that were harder to prepare, though...)
I really like the concepts for these miniatures. They have a lot of character.