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Krimso's Dragon Landscape

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DS6151 writes:

<<Whoever controls the MMT's gains access to the giant cockatoo on top of Mount Bird.>>

That part just killed me!
I love this! Awesome job on the game, and the figures. A one shot foot wetting into gaming and painting/conversion. Nicely done.

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4 December 2006page first published

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Here is Entry #3 in the Scavengers Design Contest, sponsored by Scale Creep Miniatures - krimso's game of Dragons and Mutants:

Dragon Landscape

Christopher Frank Barosi – age 7
His assistant:
Steve (Dad) Barosi – age unknown
The entry is based upon a game that my 7-year-old son has been developing for the last several months. This contest seemed the perfect thing to make his game even more special.

Regardless of the outcome, we had a wonderful time participating in this contest.

Welcome to the exciting new world of Dragon Landscape. This wonderful game system springs from the inventive young mind of Christopher Frank Barosi.

Dragon Landscape

Dragonia, the lush and vibrant world where majestic dragons soar, is being invaded by mutant mulch-monsters. These hideous creatures - reminiscent of backyard shrubbery, with their protruding eyeballs and slimy antennae - seek a new world to colonize and exploit. Dragonia is their latest target! The grand dragons have joined forces with their ancient enemies, the Dragon Knights, in a last-ditch effort to protect their ancient planet from the mutant menace.

On the heels of the mutant mulch-monsters are the Space Rangers from planet Earth. Having decreed that the expansion of the gluttonous mutant mulch-monster population must be stopped, the Intergalactic Space Command has sent the infamous Rangers to exterminate the filthy creatures. They have joined the struggle to free Dragonia from this onslaught... but what the population of Dragonia doesn't know is that the Intergalactic Space Command has their minds set on colonization, as well!

Join the fight to save Dragonia (or control the repulsive mutant mulch-monsters) when you play the new and exciting game, Dragon Landscape!!

Dragon Landscape features some innovative game designs. The only items you'll need to play in addition to your Dragon Landscape armies are a big 'ol bucket-o-dice. The dice are an integral part of the game design, in that they are used to not only make attacks, but to keep track of damage and calculate victory points. Each figure or squad is allotted a certain quantity of dice, which are placed on the table with the models. When making attacks, the attacking player rolls the allotted dice. When a character is wounded, they lose one die per successful hit (rolling evens is a hit/rolling odds is a miss). When a character has been wounded enough to remove all of its dice, it is removed from the game. When an attacking player causes damage, they place the dice removed from the defending figure into their victory pile. The landscaper with the most dice at the end of the game is the victor.

Don't forget about the all-important Mickey Mouse teleportation pads (MMT's). Whoever controls the MMT's gains access to the giant cockatoo on top of Mount Bird. The player who is able to befriend the giant cockatoo gains additional victory points, and has the luxury of a free ride to any space on the board.

Dragon Knight and Space Ranger defend the MMT from a mutant mulch-monster

Above: A Dragon Knight and a Space Ranger defend the MMT's from a mutant mulch-monster outside of Castle Sugaree.

The first of our exclusive line of Dragon Landscape miniatures are already in production. With all of the concern regarding scale creep recently, we have decided to embrace scale creep with our exciting new line of figures. We plan to represent as many miniature scales as we can.

One cannot have a convincing landscape without a castle. This tower is the first piece in our castle building line in glorious 15mm. Ingredients include sugar cubes and glue. Sculpted and painted by Christopher.

Castle Sugaree

Our 40mm Dragon Knights are steadfast in Dragonia's defence. Ingredients include peanuts, McDonald's ketchup cups, sandwich picks, and the lid of a 35mm film canister. Based in sugar. Sculpted and painted by Dad.

Dragon Knight

The 54mm mutant mulch-monsters are loathsome. Ingredients include a plastic Easter egg, paper clips, beads, thumbtacks, and mulchy stuff from Grandma's flower pot. Sculpted and painted by Chris and Dad.

Mutant Mulch-Monster

Our 30-something-mm Space Rangers live for action. Ingredients include a Mighty Bean, beads, sandwich picks, and a chickpea. Based in sugar. Sculpted and painted by Dad.

Dragon Knight and Space Ranger defend the MMT from a mutant mulch-monster

Keep an eye out for future releases - including our exclusive line of Dragon Landscape dragons. The game designer recommends that you utilize either a real dragon or a stuffed animal in the meantime.

Happy gaming!!!!