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Stronty Girl's Entry for Intimidation Doubled

Amazon Warrior Mounted
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£5.00 GBP

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photocrinch writes:

I completely missed the NSFW reference. Went back to the picture you described and just about burst out laughing. The imprint on the saddle pommel is just a bit suggestive when viewed in that light. I love the paint job, and the horse especially. Very nicely done.

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9 October 2009page first published

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Stronty Girl Fezian (AKA Amanda Kear) has chosen to submit her Intimidation Doubled entry in the form of a Workbench article. She writes:

Here's how I painted the Amazon cavalrywoman sent to me by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian as part of the Intimidation Doubled contest. The paints I use are a mixture of artist's acrylics of various brands, GW paints, and some metallic acrylic inks. I use a wet-blending technique, so for a lot of the time I'll have two colours of paint and two brushes on the go at once.

Stage 1: Preparation

Very little prep work needed, as there wasn't much flash - only a bit between the horse's legs and in the gap between the neck and the reins. I glued the horse to its base, and covered the base with Polyfilla (that's 'spackle' to those across the pond). Then both horse and rider were undercoated in Plasti-Kote Projekt Paint Matt White. The rider then got stuck head down in a blob of Blu-Tack, as I intended to paint her lower half before I glued her to the horse.

Stage 2: Beginning the Horse

As the blister pack indicated that the miniature was German, I decided to paint the horse based on a postcard I have of a German horse breed - a spotted noriker (also known as spotted pinzgainer or pinzgauer). As that means the horse is going to be flashy, then I can keep saddle blanket, rider's clothing, etc, reasonably plain.

The horse first got a basecoat in Winsor & Newton (henceforth WN) Titanium White. Next, the bulk of the horse's body was given some basic shading by wet-blending WN Unbleached Titanium (a pale beige sort of colour) in with more white. I left the lower legs alone at this point. Its mane, tail and hooves were painted in GW Chaos Black, as were its eyes.


After that lot were all nicely dry, I started on the head, neck and lower legs. First, a coat of GW Scorched Brown, mixed with a little black, on the areas I want to be darker. This was left to dry, then a second coat applied. While this was still wet, I began to do the work of blending and highlighting these areas. First, the original Scorched Brown coat was blended with a mix of Scorched Brown, WN Burnt Umber, and a little Titanium White. Then that in turn was blended with a mix that contained more white, until finally I'm blending a very pale mixture into the white of the horse's body. I let that dry, then I picked out a few highlights on the legs with one of the mid-shades.


Stage 3: Titivating the Horse

The hooves, mane and tail got a tidy-up with some more GW Chaos Black, and a thin wash of Burnt Umber and black was done to pick out the nostrils, mouth and insides of the ears. Then onto the spots! Lots and lots of little black spots on head, neck, body and upper legs, using the tip of a size 1 brush.

The saddle blanket is WN Finity Cadmium Yellow, while the saddle, bridle and other straps were done in WN Golden Ochre, then highlighted in a mix of Golden Ochre and Cadmium Yellow. The metal buckles, etc., on the tack were picked out in Daler-Rowney Pearlescent (DRP) liquid acrylic Bell Bronze (basically a metallic ink).

The base was given a couple of washes in GW Snot Green.

I was utterly convinced that I'd taken a photo of this stage, but obviously I was hallucinating!

Stage 4: Beginning the Rider

First, the young lady got a basecoat of GW Dwarf Flesh, then a wash of WN Burnt Umber. After that was dry, more Burnt Umber went into recesses, and GW Tanned Flesh was blended into it. Next, GW Dwarf Flesh was blended into the Tanned Flesh. A bit of drybrushing of Dwarf Flesh over the fingers finished her skin off.

Her shield got a basecoat of WN Finity Cadmium Yellow. Saddle, stirrups, etc., were done the same as the rest of the horse tack in Stage 3.

Now her lower legs and other bits that will be fiddly to do once she's mounted on her noble steed need to be done. Her boots and armour both got a basecoat of Burnt Umber. Then the boots got a wash of black, while the armour had first a coat of WN Bronze, and then some Daler-Rowney Bell Bronze to brighten it up. (Sorry, forgot to photograph that last stage.)


Stage 4: Finishing the Rider

At last she is mounted on her horse to show off her equestrian skills. I painted her hair GW Chaos Black. Her lips were highlighted in a mix of Tanned Flesh and WN Quinocridone Magenta. Her eyes were done in WN Titanium White, the irises done in GW Chaos Black, and some eye-shadow added in Liquitex Brilliant Purple.

Her Roman-type 'skirt' was basecoated in Daler-Rowney Cryla Cadmium Red. Next, some WN Cadmium Orange was drybrushed onto the Cadmium Red of her skirt. Metallic bits were again done in Burnt Umber, and then highlighted in Bronze and Bell Bronze.

Upper body armour was done in Bronze as described in Stage 3. The crest on her helmet was Cadmium Red, drybrushed with Cadmium Orange to match her skirt. The shield continues the red, orange and yellow theme - this young lady colour-coordinates before she steps onto the battlefield!

Except for her sword… here she has a matching red-and-orange hilt, but has eschewed the bronze theme in favour of a magical steel blade. That was given a basecoat of black, then a coat of WN Silver. In an attempt to make it look magical, I then did a wash of Daler-Rowney Pearlescent Galactic Blue liquid acrylic. That came out a little too blue, so it rather clashes with her red-orange crest, shield and skirt. Ah well, never mind - if anyone makes snide fashion remarks, she'll cut off their head with her clashing sword!

Armalion amazon

Stage 5: The Finished Horse and Rider

A coat of spray gloss varnish (Plasti-Kote fast-dry enamel), then a matt one (Humbrol) was done. Next, a thin layer of Humbrol Gloss Cote on sword and armour to make them nice and shiny. And finally, the base was tarted up with some rocks and static grass, and she's all ready for battle.

Finished model