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Painting the Damned

Devout Tormented and Damned (2 models)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
€12.49 EUR

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Charles Marlow writes:

Yes, a great OOP figure; well painted. I'd like to add one to my own Chronopis Devout collection.

Revision Log
6 February 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian of Warcolours Miniature Painting Studio writes:

This is quite a large miniature! It comes in three pieces: a metal torso, the flail with hands attached (again in metal), and a resin reptilian lower-body.

All of the pieces were washed in lukewarm water with a little dishwashing soap, then carefully rinsed and left to dry overnight. After that, they were assembled - with a generous number of pins to ensure that the whole thing will remain in one piece - and primed with GW Skull White primer. Everything pretty standard until here, so onto the painting...

First of all, the lower body was basecoated with a couple of thin layers of VMC924 Russian Uniform Green: starting from this midtone, I will build shadows and highlights.

Basecoated in Russian Uniform Green
This procedure is used throughout the whole miniature, and basically consists of using extremely thin layers of paint to build up the tone. When I say 'extremely thin', think about little more than coloured water: at least a 12:1 water-to-paint ratio, if not more depending on the paint.

It is vital, when using this technique, that you unload your brush on a piece of tissue every time you dip it into the paint: you want only a very small amount of paint on it - it's a little like using a wash, but a lot more controlled. It will seem at first that you are not actually doing anything, but you will see that the tone will build with the different stages, and by appying it to smaller and smaller areas you will build the different colours.

So, to begin with, the skin was shaded using different passes of GW Foundation Knarloc Green, then adding VMC946 Dark Red into it - and also a little GW Codex Grey, to keep the tone muted.

Skin shaded

Highlights were then applied with GW Foundation Gretchin Green, and then adding a little GW Bleached Bone and VMC990 Light Grey to it.

Highlights added

Finally, things were brought together with a very thin wash of GW black and brown inks, applied sparingly over the whole surface.
