Howdy, howdy! Time for the second round of Last Painter Standing Mk II! Thanks to everyone that, out of the kindness of their hearts, didn't vote me "off the island" last round.
With that theme over, we move to the next one - the "nose art" theme. I searched my box of goodies and discovered an old friend, a Jinggau. This 'Mech is one of the newest 'Mechs in the arsenal of the Cappellan Confederation (AKA the stereotypical Chinese faction in the BattleTech universe, with some Scots and Russians tossed in to balance them out), and is brutal on the field. It's a heavy 'Mech with a high movement curve and a dreaded Gauss Rifle, capable of pounding an opponent from across the mapboard in a game. Combined with its jump jets, this thing is a cavalryman's dream.
With this in mind, I went to work deciding what I was going to do with it. My last Jinggau looked like this:

But for this, I wanted a more "historical" and "realistic" piece of nose art; I'm sure that little lady would love to be on this Jinggau, but I axed her and started researching World War II nose art... and came across this:

It's a B-25J Mitchell medium bomber with a "bat outa hell" nose-art piece. I love some of the B-25 pieces and the noses are somewhat similar, so I went with it.
Next, I decided to pick a unit in the BattleTech universe that could somewhat mimic the B-25 scheme, and found one I could go with (with a little modification). Ambermarle's Highlanders is a regular unit that serves the Confederation, and is led by an old battleax of a woman. Their scheme is green with woad-blue camo. Sounded cool to me, and I liked the only example we have on
So I sat down and looked over the miniature and went to assemble, but I quickly saw I would have to leave off the arms to do the nose art, then attach them later.

I then primed the miniature black.