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Three Hasslefree Adventurers: The Painting Begins

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AndrewGPaul writes:

This is a workbench article where the end result is crap. It's not good, it's not a basic standard, it's 'chuck them in stripper immediately' crap.

They're not that bad. If he'd painted up a squad of Grymn, they'd be OK. I agree, the three 'personailities' chosen probably weren't the ideal choice for that style/quality level, but they're OK. Maybe your standards are higher than others. Those minis are streets ahead of almost every mini featured in Miniature Wargames (which, IMO, don't even reach the 'chuck them in stripper immediately' level – they're 'bin them and start again' quality), and that's a professional-looking publication.

Revision Log
9 May 2007page first published

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Brush Strokes Fezian of Brush Strokes writes:

At this stage, some thought was given to what colours the ladies were going to be painted. Suzi was straightforward as she was wearing a sort of sailor's uniform - I decided it was going to be mainly white with blue edges. Dionne was wearing a cat suit, which I was going to paint black - but her hair was going to be red for a contrast. Kat was the most difficult, but I decided on a creamy coloured jump suit with green bodice, and a differing green holster and boots.

I am a follower of the 3-layer painting method, so most of the colours applied have 3 tones (some, like the flesh, have more tones).

The first job for me is the metal work. I use a scalpel and scratch off the undercoat, leaving the bare metal. Rubbing this with your finger takes the shine down a few levels. This took care of the guns, sword, and Dionne's zip fastener on her cat suit.

Suzi's metal work
Kat's metal work
Dionne's metal work

The next stage I do is the face, and all the flesh. The flesh areas are given a basecoat of Pelikan Plaka Red Brown, then white eyes are inserted along with a vertical black line for the iris - try and be careful here, but mistakes can be rectified with the next stage which is Red Brown with Plaka Yellow Ochre. For females, I repaint the whole area again with this colour, but for males I would leave lines around the eyes, down the nose, and around the hair line to give them a hardened look.

The next stage is adding Plaka Flesh to the mix, and painting the nose, checks, chin, forehead and ears. For the next level, I mix up a flesh colour but with no Red Brown. The final tone I leave as the last colour before varnishing, as the layers of paint will absorb one another.

Suzi's flesh
Kat's metal work
Dionne's metal work
What I have found useful is to make up my own colour card for European flesh, and match this every time. For Eastern nationalities, I would leave more yellow; and for American Indians (as an example), I would leave in the Red Brown.