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Report from Bounide

Female Druid
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£4.00 GBP


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19 November 2003page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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bounide writes:

First of all, I'd like to thank i-Kore and Bill of TMP for this contest: I expect to learn a lot from the other finalists ^__^. And please, excuse my English.

The original figure needed some trimming

The first step consisted in removing the flash and the mould lines on the model with a sharp knife. Then I finished the preparation with fine sandpaper to get a smooth surface.

I removed the bar under the feet of the model. In the right foot, I drilled a small hole and used superglue to attach a piece of paperclip wire - this will strengthen the figure's bond with the base. Since I didn't plan to play with this miniature, I simply glued together both parts of the totem. Then I used greenstuff to hide the junction on the totem pole, and to add a missing bit on the corselet edge. I used superglue to add a piece of cork, sand, and a GW plastic skull to the base.

The cleaned-up and assembled figure

I undercoated the miniature with GW White Skull aerosol paint, and the base with GW Chaos Black aerosol paint. As usual, I started the painting at the lower part of the model - once it's finished, I glue it permanently to the painted base, and I don't touch the miniature anymore.

Most of the references I give hereafter come from the Vallejo Model Color range.

To be honest, I had no idea about the final look of the model. All I knew was that I wanted a black druidess. I basecoated the legs and feet with Burnt Umber (941). I highlighted by adding more and more Light Flesh (928), and shadowed them with 898 Dark Sea Blue (898).

The legs have been painted

I basecoated the metal parts with a 50/50 mix of Luftwaffe Uniform (816) and Deck Tan (986), highlighted by adding more and more White (951). The glyphs on the spearhead are painted in Dark Sea Blue (898).

The speartip is painted

I tried something new for the corselet (at least, for me ^__^). First, I basecoated it with Saddle Brown (940). Then I drew fine black lines with my brush. I highlighted the leather by adding Light Flesh (928) to the base, and shadowed it with a mix of Black (950) and Mahogany Brown (846).

The golden parts received a layer of Ochre Brown (856), shadowed with Mahogany Brown (846) and highlighted with White (951).

A new approach is used on the corselet