When the stain on the deck is dry, the gun carriages are painted Reaper Bright Red. The deck will eventually be touched up with brown.

Next, some gold on some of the deck railings.

The bow chains and stern are drybrushed gold over the black basecoat. Here and there, I will repeat the drybrushing to heighten the color.

Here I've dripped very wet blue paint into one strake, simulating windows. I have also painted the counter a dark brown.

Next, the furled sails get the first of several drybrush passes with Butter Cream. I've also used a dark brown to paint the yards on the etched-brass sails.

There are three steps in this picture. First, the bands around the lower masts and bowsprit are painted Ceramcoat Charcoal. Then, the visible guns on the deck are carefully painted black, without losing the red on the gun carriages. Finally, a dark green strake is painted on the upperworks of the hull.

Here, in anticipation of painting a red rim on each of the fighting tops, I have undercoated that area with Reaper White.

When the white is dry, the rims of the fighting tops get a red covering. Also, the reefs on the sails on the yards get painted black.

When the etched-brass sails are dry, I use a Zig Millenium .005 marker to paint the reefs and lines embossed on the sails.
It is important that the sails are dry, as these pens gum up easily. Also, if the paint is not totally dry, the pen will scratch the paint off the sail.