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Areas of InterestFantasyFeatured Hobby News ArticleFeatured LinkTop-Rated RulesetFeatured Showcase ArticleGrenadier 15mm Orc Command![]() Fernando Enterprises paints up some out-of-production 15mm Orc command figures for TMP. Featured Workbench ArticleDread Pirate Garness Does Trollbloods![]() Persevering over Death Itself, Dread Pirate Garness 3,211 hits since 19 Nov 2003 |
bounide writes: I drybrushed the piece of cork with Basalt Grey (869) and Silvergrey (883), and the sand with Flat Earth (983) and 977 Desert Yellow (977). For the skull, I used Ivory (918), Flat Earth (983) and Black (950). With a 50/50 mix of water and PVA glue, I coated the sand and applied green static grass. Once the grass was dry, I painted it with small dots of Cavalry Brown (982). Then the miniature was affixed to the base with superglue. ![]() The sickle was painted exactly the same way as the spearhead. I'm not very proud of the hair and the lips: I basecoated them with Flat Blue (962), then used Dark Sea Blue (898) and Royal Blue (809) to shadow them. I made some highlights by adding White (951) to the base. Unfortunately, the result is a little bit too flashy. ![]() The part I found the most difficult to paint: the totem. First, I wanted to give it the same look as the corselet. But it failed miserably. ![]() ![]() So, back to good old NMM (at least I tried!) with a basecoat of Luftwaffe Uniform (816), then a 50/50 mix of Luftwaffe Uniform (816) and Deck Tan (986), and highlights of Luftwaffe Uniform (816) and White (951). ![]() I used the same technique on the pole as on the corselet. This time, it worked! ![]() The rings on her upper arms were painted with the same colours as the other golden parts - Ochre Brown (856), Mahogany Brown (846), and White (951). Tadaaaa - my druidess! See the Finished Pictures |