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Report from Bounide - Part 2

Female Druid
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£4.00 GBP


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19 November 2003page first published

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3,211 hits since 19 Nov 2003
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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bounide writes:

I drybrushed the piece of cork with Basalt Grey (869) and Silvergrey (883), and the sand with Flat Earth (983) and 977 Desert Yellow (977). For the skull, I used Ivory (918), Flat Earth (983) and Black (950). With a 50/50 mix of water and PVA glue, I coated the sand and applied green static grass. Once the grass was dry, I painted it with small dots of Cavalry Brown (982). Then the miniature was affixed to the base with superglue.

The base is painted

The sickle was painted exactly the same way as the spearhead.

I'm not very proud of the hair and the lips: I basecoated them with Flat Blue (962), then used Dark Sea Blue (898) and Royal Blue (809) to shadow them. I made some highlights by adding White (951) to the base. Unfortunately, the result is a little bit too flashy.

The hair and lips are done

The part I found the most difficult to paint: the totem. First, I wanted to give it the same look as the corselet. But it failed miserably.

First attempt at the totem (front view)

First attempt at the totem (back view)

So, back to good old NMM (at least I tried!) with a basecoat of Luftwaffe Uniform (816), then a 50/50 mix of Luftwaffe Uniform (816) and Deck Tan (986), and highlights of Luftwaffe Uniform (816) and White (951).

Second attempt at the totem

I used the same technique on the pole as on the corselet. This time, it worked!

The shaft is done

The rings on her upper arms were painted with the same colours as the other golden parts - Ochre Brown (856), Mahogany Brown (846), and White (951).

Tadaaaa - my druidess!

See the Finished Pictures