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Beowulf Paints 15mm Peter Pig Soviet MG Teams

Russian HMGs
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£2.20 GBP

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Colonel Bogey writes:

I read this for the first time today, as it popped up as a featured article.

I really like the painting, and would point out that the Peter Pig figures used appear to have been remastered since this article was first posted:

#297: MMG in greatcoat:

#664: MMG not in greatcoat:

Revision Log
13 December 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Beowulf Fezian writes:

When I accepted to do a Workbench report, I wanted to do a painting scheme that would not be too difficult or too time consuming - but rather, something quick and simple that any average painter could do in 2-4 hours, and would look great on the table.

Two packs

The miniatures came in two packs; each had 3 machine gunners, 3 loaders, and 2 spotters. The miniatures were nicely cast, with little flash.

The figures

First, I cleaned the miniatures with a file. Afterwards, I applied a light coat of primer. I usually stick to white, but since I am not going to use bright colours, I used gray.

Primed grey

Then I started to block off the colours. This is what I used:

Vallejo Khaki Grey
Helmet and equipment
Vallejo Military Green
Coat Roll
USA Tan Earth
Bags and pouches
German Camo Beige
Weapon stocks
GW Vermin Brown
Vallejo Flat Black
GW Bronzed Flesh
Bronze Green
Flat Black + Vallejo Gunmetal drybrush
Ammo belt
Vallejo Brass

I like the Khaki Russian uniforms, but you could use other shades of brown, khaki or green to good effect. Since Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian would base the figures himself, I decided to paint them in a dark colour that would be easy to cover either with flock or more paint.

I just blocked the colours neatly - no fancy painting techniques here. As you can see in the picture, I have no extraordinary painting abilities; just tried to block colours neatly. Nothing that puts me above the average, and that would allow me to charge gazillions of dollars for my work!


Now to the stage where the paintjob really takes off! I applied a liberal coat of Winsor & Newton Nut Brown ink straight from the bottle with a wide brush. Again, no fancy techniques. I just made sure that the paint didn't pool too much. The ink is thin and "runny", so it flows in the nooks, crannies and folds naturally, without staining the paintjob too much. It leaves a nice sepia tint, which looks a little gritty.

I really like the results. I use this for almost all figures in any colour - no need to apply separate washes to different parts of the figure, or to repaint/drybrush. If you haven't tried the Winsor & Newton Nut Brown (or Peat Brown) ink, you really owe it to yourself to give it a try!
A word of warning: The stuff dries shiny, and if it comes in contact with water, it will come off! So do yourself a favor, and varnish the figures after the ink dries.

After the ink, I drybrushed the helmets and machinegun with Vallejo Military Green and a little white, to give the figures more dimension.

Then I took the miniatures out into a cool autumn to seal the figures with GW Purity Seal matt varnish. That's when tragedy struck! The varnish turned semi-glossy! I don't mind a satin finish for sci-fi armour, but it didn't look good on WWII Russians....

Apparently, the cool temperature affected the varnish. I was tempted to leave it like that (I don't mind on my own figures) - but since this is a Workbench report, I decided to try and find a solution.

Another coat of varnish under better conditions didn't really solve the problem.

Reluctantly, I decided to give Vallejo's brush-on matte varnish a try. I had had bad experiences with other brands before, but this one worked like a charm! It killed the shine completely.

Then I just lightly drybrushed the metal parts Gunmetal, and the figures were done!

I hope you find this useful, and that proves that you don't need to be a master painter or invest hundreds of hours working to get good results!

Finished figures
Finished figures
Finished figures

(There will be some follow-up pictures, when Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian gets a chance to base these.)