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2 - Basic Colors for Miners

Dwarven Miners
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27 June 2002page first published

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Rusty of 4 Demons Painting Service writes:

Step 1: Clean and Prime

I cleaned off the flash from the models...there wasn't much, mostly just a little hanging from the axes. The figures are of a high quality. I am no 15mm expert, but I have found Demonworld to always be exceptional in their quality and detail!

black-primed Miners

Then I gave them a black undercoat. I have always felt that a white undercoat made figures turn out brighter...but these were dirty miners so black was fine with me. Pretty basic stuff.

I brushed on the primer. For black paint, I use the big 8 oz craft paints you can get at the craft store and Wal-Mart. Since everyone goes through a lot of black, there is no sense in using little GW bottles.

Step 2: The Base Colors

I didn't want Dwarven Miners wearing their Sunday best, so I went with browns and grays. I used colors like Reaper's Ash Gray and Aged Red Brick, and GW's Bubonic Brown and Snakebite Leather.

I've left some larger areas of black for a beard or a shirt that will be a black color (and then highlighted later). Also, some black is left to separate the colors...this is known as blacklining. If I basecoat a model white, then I blackline the figure before putting the base colors on - I call it reverse blacklining. If I basecoat the model black, then I paint the base colors, leaving black areas so I don't have to go through and blackline the model again.

two Miners in basic colors

I did the colors pretty randomly - like, this guy gets brown pants, red shirt, and this guy gets a brown vest and gray pants...and so on. This way they all had similar colors, but with a randomness that I would expect from folks who stay underground and only come up for the battle. "Lets hurry up and kill these pansy elves so we can get back to diggin..."

Miner leader in basic colors

I used a mix of Dwarven Flesh with a little Vermin Brown thrown in for the skin - 3 parts Dwarven Flesh, 1 part Vermin Brown. I didn't bother doing the lips, I'll do that as a final detail with the eyes.

Same Miners, different basic colors

Coming Next: Shading/Highlights