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DB Repainted: Ogrol Ragelord


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7 November 2007page first published

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Comments or corrections?

Hundvig Fezian writes:

A huge mini, even by Dreamblade standards.

Ogrol Ragelord

This model requires more work than most before you can start painting, as the mold lines are rather prominent and run right across the grain of his hair. I fixed this as best I could by using a hobby knife to score strands of hair back onto the (somewhat smoothed) surfaces after cleaning it, but it's still a bit more noticeable than I like. Next time, I'll cover the whole section with putty and sculpt my own from scratch.

The axe haft is also disturbingly flexible, which I partially remedied by drilling a hole through it and inserting some wire as stiffener.

Ogrol Ragelord

Still one of my favorites from this range, despite the extra effort required.