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Painting Hobby Products' Dwarven Miners

Dwarven Miners
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€23.47 EUR

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19 August 2002added picture of final unit
3 June 2002page first published

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One of the most popular articles we've ever published was the series about sending a demon model to a service for painting. It's been a few years since then, and technology has improved quite a bit, so we thought it was a good idea to give the "painting service" idea another try.

This time, our partner is 4 Demons Painting, a painting service operating out of Kenosha, Wisconsin (United States). When the idea of this project came up, Rusty of 4 Demons jumped at the chance to be involved.

As for which figures to paint this time, we batted around some ideas - looking at what Rusty was comfortable with, and what would be useful for some future website projects - and we concluded to go with Dwarves. 15mm scale Dwarves, to be exact...

the final Dwarven Miners unit