I will now go through each figure with its painting scheme, starting with Suzi. I gave the outfit and socks a coating of Plaka Grey, with a touch of Plaka Black...

...then Grey with White...

...and finally, just White itself. I left this to dry, then redid the white again.

Next were the sock tops, collar and cuffs, which were going to be blue. The three tones were Plaka Blue with Black added...

...Blue itself...

...then adding a tiny bit of White.

Suzi's hair was next, which I decided was going to be blonde. For this, I used Plaka Yellow Brown with a touch of White as the basecoat...

...and then adding White, but when applying, I used the drybrush technique (wiping most of the paint from the brush, and pulling the brush across the detail to leave the raised areas painted).

Suzi was now finished apart from her shoes, which I was going to do later (along with Dionne's cat suit).