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Three Hasslefree Adventurers: Suzi

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9 May 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brush Strokes Fezian of Brush Strokes writes:

I will now go through each figure with its painting scheme, starting with Suzi. I gave the outfit and socks a coating of Plaka Grey, with a touch of Plaka Black...

Suzi - grey

...then Grey with White...

Suzi - grey/white

...and finally, just White itself. I left this to dry, then redid the white again.

Suzi - white highlight

Next were the sock tops, collar and cuffs, which were going to be blue. The three tones were Plaka Blue with Black added...

Suzi - blue/black

...Blue itself...

Suzi - blue

...then adding a tiny bit of White.

Suzi - white highlight

Suzi's hair was next, which I decided was going to be blonde. For this, I used Plaka Yellow Brown with a touch of White as the basecoat...

Suzi - hair basecoat

...and then adding White, but when applying, I used the drybrush technique (wiping most of the paint from the brush, and pulling the brush across the detail to leave the raised areas painted).

Suzi - hair done

Suzi was now finished apart from her shoes, which I was going to do later (along with Dionne's cat suit).