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Round One Farewell: Painteater

Female Druid
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£4.00 GBP


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25 November 2003page first published

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The readers of TMP have spoken, and painteater has been voted out of the contest. One of the privileges of being "voted out" is the chance to make an exit speech. I also invited him to predict who the contest winner will be...and who will be the next one voted-out!

Here is what painteater writes:

I'm so glad that I've been voted out on the first round. I found it hard to paint something that you don't really like (for me, that is fantasy/SF figures). I'm not saying that I-Kore figures is not good, but I found out that they're not suited to my painting style (or maybe I'm not a good painter). I'm more into historical figures, and a bit choosy about which figures and manufacturers.

Painteater's original entry - Saphon the Preacher

Anyway, that was the first I-Kore figure that I have ever painted. I should have put more time into painting the Female Druid, but unfortunately I only had about 3 hours before time ran out. (painting, photo, email) (huh) Better do it earlier on, not last minute. My fault. But at least I'm still managed to paint and post the pictures and story to Bill, rather than drop-out.

WWII action in Call of Duty

I should blame the latest computer game as well (Call of Duty) - it has taken a lot of my free time (which was supposed to be used painting the Female Druid).

I'm not sure who I think will win this competition, or who will next be voted off. Everything looks the same to me, but guys you better paint the figures now, and get the best digi-camera out there if you wanna win.

Last, thank you to all who voted me in on the semi-finals, and who voted me out on the first round.

Painteater's Female Druid entry

The Good and the Ugly part of the Last Painter Standing:

The Good:

  1. You get a lot of painting tips from all the brilliant painters in the competition.
  2. You get a couple of free i-Kore figures.
  3. People get to know about your talent
  4. You get new customers if you have a painting service (I do)

And The Ugly:

  1. You have to be a good photographer to win - good lighting, good camera, etc. - and I don't have and cannot afford that.
  2. The deadlines
  3. You can't choose what to paint.
