Now that miscmini has done such a wonderful job on the Hurricanes, the question rises: how to base them?
And since I had some Litko acrylic flight stands near at hand (ordered for another project, actually), I decided to give them a shot.

With the Litko system, you can pick a base size, and then the height of the peg separately. The packs I happen to have are the 2½" hex flight stands (which I may have special ordered, since they're not in the online catalogue) and the 3" flight pegs.

My rule of thumb with a flight base is that the base should be as wide as the model, so these bases work well with the Hurricanes. The peg, on the other hand, is taller than I would ordinarily use - but I'm willing to give it a try.
After peeling the protective paper off one side of the base, I try to insert the peg into the hole in the base... and it won't go. So I grab my rattail file, run it around the hole, and now the peg fits. I intend to push it down until it reaches the bottom, but it actually ends up poking out the bottom a bit. Oh well...

The peg is 1/8" in diameter, which means I'll need to enlarge the hole provided with the Hurricanes. This is too large a job for any of my pin vises (and I don't have a hand drill), so I set my Dremel on its lowest speed and enlarge the hole.

And here's a Hurricane, testing its fit on top of the flight peg.